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Illinois, Pennsylvania top the 14U Greco-Roman Duals pre-ranking seeds

by Gary Abbott, USA Wrestling

Illinois USA Wrestling and 14U National Duals logos

With the 2023 14U National Duals competition starting on Thursday morning, USA Wrestling releases the pre-ranking seeds of the teams that are registered to compete.

These reflect the combined point totals for all the individual athletes on each team roster, with points given for past achievements at the national and regional levels.

Illinois has the most points heading into tonight’s weigh ins with 28, followed by Pennsylvania Blue with 22. Team Maryland is next with 21 points, followed by Team New York and Ohio Scarlet with 20 points.

New Jersey, which won the 2022 14U National Duals in Greco-Roman, has 10 points, in the middle of the pack in these rankings.

These point totals will be used to break the tournament into the initial pools. For teams tied with the same number of points, their draw at weigh-in will be used to place them in pools.

14U Duals Greco-Roman pre-ranking seeds

Illinois 28

Pennsylvania Blue 22

Team Maryland 21

Team New York 20

Ohio Scarlet 20

Tennessee 19

Team Idaho 19

Wisconsin 18

Team Utah 18

Oklahoma Blue 18

Michigan Blue 17

Team Missouri 14

Washington 12

Georgia 12

Team Kansas 11

New Jersey 10

Team Indiana Gold 10

Minnesota Blue 10

Team Florida 10

Team Virginia 10

Oklahoma Red 10

Pennsylvania Red 8

Arkansas 8

Iowa 8

Colorado Red 5

Team Louisiana 5

California 4

Minnesota Red 3

Team Alabama 3

Team Indiana Blue 2

Team North Carolina 2

South Carolina 2

Colorado Blue 0

Team Texas A 0