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Oregon State, with five champions, wins Pac-12 team title, with Stanford in second


by USA Wrestling

2023 Pac-12 Wrestling Champions - Oregon State - graphic
2022 Pac-12 champions, Oregon State. Image courtesy of Oregon State Athletics


At Stanford, Calif.

125 (3 qualifiers)

1st Place Match - Brandon Kaylor (Oregon State) 21-7, RS Sr. over Brandon Courtney (Arizona State University) 10-4, RS So. (SV-2 2-2)

3rd Place Match - Antonio Lorenzo (Cal Poly) 3-1, RS Jr. over Nico Provo (Stanford) 5-3, Fr. (Dec 7-4)

5th Place Match - Eddie Flores (CSU Bakersfield) 1-2, RS Sr. over Jeremiah Reno (Little Rock) 0-3, RS So. (Dec 10-5)

133 (3 qualifiers)

1st Place Match - Michael McGee (Arizona State University) 21-2, . over Jason Shaner (Oregon State) 20-10, RS Jr. (Dec 6-1)

3rd Place Match - Ethan Rotondo (Cal Poly) 3-1, RS Sr. over Jackson Disario (Stanford) 4-4, Sr. (Dec 3-1)

5th Place Match - Joshua Sarpy (Little Rock) 1-2, Jr. over Chance Rich (CSU Bakersfield) 1-3, RS Sr. (M. For.)

141 (1 qualifier)

1st Place Match - Cleveland Belton (Oregon State) 18-8, Jr. over Emilio Ysaguirre Jr (Arizona State University) 8-5, Fr. (Fall 6:05)

3rd Place Match - Lawrence Saenz (Cal Poly) 2-1, RS Sr. over Jason Miranda (Stanford) 4-4, Jr. (Dec 3-2)

5th Place Match - Jaylen Carson (Little Rock) 1-2, Sr. over Angelo Martinoni (CSU Bakersfield) 0-3, RS Sr. (For.)

149 (2 qualifiers)

1st Place Match - Kyle Parco (Arizona State University) 25-4, So. over Jaden Abas (Stanford) 3-2, RS Sr. (Dec 2-1)

3rd Place Match - Dom Demas (Cal Poly) 3-1, RS Sr. over Joseph Bianchi (Little Rock) 2-2, RS Jr. (Dec 7-3)

5th Place Match - Josh Brown (CSU Bakersfield) 1-2, . over Riley Gurr (Oregon State) 11-11, RS Sr. (Dec 6-3)

157 (1 qualifier)

1st Place Match - Daniel Cardenas (Stanford) 7-0, Fr. over Luka Wick (Cal Poly) 1-1, RS Fr. (MD 13-4)

3rd Place Match - Isaiah Crosby (Oregon State) 8-8, Jr. over Matthew Bianchi (Little Rock) 2-2, So. (MD 16-7)

5th Place Match - Brock Rogers (CSU Bakersfield) 1-2, RS Jr. over Max Wilner (Arizona State University) 7-14, So. (For.)

165 (2 qualifiers)

1st Place Match - Matthew Olguin (Oregon State) 23-6, RS Jr. over Shane Griffith (Stanford) 4-1, RS Jr. (2-OT 2-2)

3rd Place Match - Legend Lamer (Cal Poly) 3-1, RS Jr. over Tyler Brennan (Little Rock) 2-2, Sr. (MD 9-0)

5th Place Match - Tony Negron (Arizona State University) 12-14, RS Jr. over Braden Smelser (CSU Bakersfield) 0-3, Jr. (MD 9-1)

174 (2 qualifiers)

1st Place Match - Mateo Olmos (Oregon State) 15-6, Sr. over Tyler Eischens (Stanford) 5-2, RS Sr. (Dec 3-1)

3rd Place Match - Cael Valencia (Arizona State University) 12-10, So. over Brawley Lamer (Cal Poly) 1-2, RS Sr. (SV-1 6-4)

5th Place Match - Triston Wills (Little Rock) 2-2, RS Jr. over Albert Urias (CSU Bakersfield) 1-3, RS Sr. (M. For.)

184 (1 qualifier)

1st Place Match - Trey Munoz (Oregon State) 24-1, RS So. over Anthony Montalvo (Arizona State University) 6-8, RS Jr. (Dec 5-2)

3rd Place Match - Brook Byers (Stanford) 5-3, Fr. over Jarad Priest (Cal Poly) 2-2, Jr. (Dec 6-5)

5th Place Match - Jacob Hansen (CSU Bakersfield) 1-2, Jr. over Mason Diel (Little Rock) 0-3, So. (Fall 0:56)

197 (3 qualifiers)

1st Place Match - Bernie Truax (Cal Poly) 2-0, RS Sr. over Nick Stemmet (Stanford) 8-1, Jr. (Dec 7-6)

3rd Place Match - Tanner Harvey (Oregon State) 21-7, RS Sr. over Matthew Weinert (Little Rock) 1-2, So. (MD 15-4)

5th Place Match - Mateo Morales (CSU Bakersfield) 1-2, Jr. over Kordell Norfleet (Arizona State University) 7-7, RS So. (M. For.)

285 (1 qualifier)

1st Place Match - Cohlton Schultz (Arizona State University) 20-2, Sr. over Trevor Tinker (Cal Poly) 1-1, RS So. (Fall 2:47)

3rd Place Match - Josiah Hill (Little Rock) over J.J. Dixon of Oregon State (Dec. 3-2)

5th Place Match - Peter Ming (Stanford) 4-4, Jr. over Jake Andrews (CSU Bakersfield) 0-3, So. (Dec 3-0)


1 Oregon State, 123.5

2 Stanford, 113.5

3 Cal Poly, 112.0

4 Arizona State, 110.5

5 Little Rock, 82.0

6 CSU Bakersfield, 58.0

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