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Northwest Bigfoot Battle and King & Queen of the Mountain launch the 2022-23 Folkstyle Tour of America Series in upcoming weeks in November

by Richard Razo, USA Wrestling

USA Wrestling’s 2022-23 Folkstyle Tour of America Series kicks off this November with the Northwest Bigfoot Battle in Spokane, Wash. on November 19, and the King & Queen of the Mountain in Denver, Colo. on November 26.

Discounted registration fees close soon! Register today and SAVE $10 on Registration –

Click to register for the Northwest Bigfoot Battle 

Click to register for King & Queen of the Mountain

The highly talented Northwest Bigfoot Battle host its annual Tour of America Series in Spokane, Wash. at The Podium. Divisions for the Northwest Bigfoot Battle include: 6U through Middle School, Girls age groups, and True Beginners.

King and Queen of the Mountain is headed to Denver, Colo. and will be held at the Denver Coliseum! Divisions at the King & Queen of the Mountain include 6U through Middle School, Girls age groups, True Beginners, AND HIGH SCHOOL BOYS and HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS.

USA Wrestling’s popular Folkstyle Tour of America series is a six-event Folkstyle series held in sites across the nation. Athletes will compete for some of the most impressive awards within youth wrestling, with each event featuring a specific trophy design based upon the local culture. In addition, athletes competing at Folkstyle Tour of America events score points towards USA Wrestling's Future Olympian Rankings!

Tour of America Series offers True Beginner Divisions at Northwest Bigfoot Battle, King & Queen of the Mountain, Stockyard Stampede, and Dominate in the Dells. True Beginners (1st-2nd year wrestlers) -$25 for Early Registration and $35 Late Registration.

High School divisions have been added to the King & Queen of the Mountain, Stockyard Stampede, and The Dominate in the Dells has 16U & Juniors. Open Divisions (8U, 10U, 12U, Middle School, Girls, and High School) – Early Registration - $45, and $55 Late Registration.

Limited Folkstyle Athlete Memberships, as well as Full Athlete Memberships, will be accepted for all divisions for the 2022-23 Folkstyle Tour of America Series. To purchase or renew your membership now, please visit

USA Wrestling does not charge for adjusting weight classes, even at weigh-ins, so make your plans now to get in on the action in the best youth Folkstyle series in the country!

2022-2023 USA Wrestling Folkstyle Tour of America Schedule

Folkstyle Tour of America - Northwest Bigfoot Battle

Date: November 19, 2022
Venue: The Podium
Location: Spokane, WA
Divisions: 6U through Middle School, True Beginners, Girls

Folkstyle Tour of America - King & Queen of the Mountain

November 26, 2022
Venue: Denver Coliseum
Location: Denver, CO
Divisions: 6U through High School, True Beginners, Girls

Folkstyle Tour of America - Stockyard Stampede

December 17, 2022
Location: Fort Worth, TX
Divisions: 8U through High School, True Beginners, Girls

Folkstyle Tour of America - Salt Lake Slam

December 31, 2022
Venue: Legacy Events Center
Location: Farmington, UT
Divisions: 8U through Middle School, True Beginners, Girls

Folkstyle Tour of America – Hot Rod Blowout

January 14, 2023
Venue: Charlotte Motor Speedway
Location: Charlotte, NC
Divisions: 6U through Middle School, True Beginners, Girls
Registration coming soon

Folkstyle Tour of America - Dominate in the Dells

March 11-12, 2023
Venue: Woodside Wisconsin Dells Center Dome
Location: Wisconsin Dells, WI
Divisions: 6U through Junior, True Beginners, Girls

For more USA Wrestling Tour of America information please visit the event website at