Elections to be held for USA Wrestling
Board of Directors At Large and Standing Committees Positions
Elections will be held in August for six Member At Large positions on the USA Wrestling Board of Directors. These positions will be voted upon by the Board of Directors in their August 2024 meeting. A two-year commitment is required as the terms for these positions begin at the conclusion of the Board meeting and proceed for two years, through the 2024 Board of Directors meeting. Board members are responsible for helping set policies and direction for USA Wrestling. The Board meets in person once per year, usually in August and virtually at least twice per year. In addition, Board members may be asked to serve on USA Wrestling standing or ad hoc committees from time to time.
Elections will also be held to fill positions on several standing committees of USA Wrestling. Positions are available on the following committees: Long Range Planning, Freestyle Sport, Greco-Roman Sport, and Women’s Freestyle Sport. A four-year commitment is required as terms for these positions begin at the conclusion of the Board meeting and proceed for the Summer Olympic quadrennium, through the 2028 Board of Directors meeting. Elections will also be held to fill positions on the USA Wrestling Governance Committee. A two-year commitment is required for this committee, and terms for these positions begin at the conclusion of the Board meeting and proceed for two years, through the 2026 Board of Directors meeting. Most committee work is done by email and telephone/computer conference call. All committees are active and hard-working.
Any current member of USA Wrestling who has completed SafeSport training and passed the mandatory background screening as required for Wrestling Leader membership is eligible to serve on the Board as a Member At Large and/or on the standing committees for which elections will be held. Any current member may also nominate another current USA Wrestling member for these positions. Prospective candidates may nominate themselves or be nominated by someone else. A nomination form is printed below. Candidates will be contacted by the Governance Committee to determine if they wish to serve (if nominated by someone else) or to confirm receipt of the nomination if they nominate themselves.
To become a candidate for any of these positions:
1. Completely fill out the nomination form below. You must be a current 2023-2024 USA Wrestling member and must provide your membership number in the space provided. You must also have completed SafeSport training and passed the mandatory background screening as required for Wrestling Leader membership. If you are not a member, please go to the USA Wrestling Membership System at www.usawmembership.com to complete this process. SafeSport training and background check information is accessed through USA Wrestling’s Membership System.
2. Send the nomination form (and any material reinforcing your candidate's qualifications) to the address or email address below for receipt no later than Friday, July 12, 2024. Once current membership is verified, the candidate will be contacted in confirmation of receipt of the nomination and to verify willingness to serve.
3. All verified nominations will be presented to the USA Wrestling Board of Directors at their August meeting. The election will be held at that time with the vote conducted by the USA Wrestling Board of Directors.
4. Any individual holding a current membership for the membership year September 1, 2023 to August 31, 2024 may nominate themselves or others with a current membership.
Nominee Name _____________________________________________________________
2023-2024 USA Wrestling membership number _______________________________
Mailing Address _____________________________________________________________
City _____________________________________ State ________
Zip ________________
Day phone # __________________________________
Night phone # ________________________________
Email address: ______________________________________________________________
(Please check) Nomination for the position of:
_____ At-Large Member, Board of Directors (2 year term)
_____ Long Range Planning Committee (4 year term)
_____ Freestyle Sport Committee (4 year term)
_____ Greco-Roman Sport Committee (4 year term)
_____ Women’s Freestyle Sport Committee (4 year term)
_____ Governance Committee (2 year term)
Short biography and/or reasons the nominee would be a good choice for this position(s):
Other materials supporting the nominee’s candidacy may also be attached and where possible will be included in the materials presented to the USA Wrestling Board of Directors regarding the elections.
Member nominating: _____________________________
USAW member # _________________________________
Return by Friday, July 12, 2024, to: mball@usawrestling.org, subject Governance Committee.
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