Over 18 and ever competed in sports? Take the Athlete Culture & Climate Survey by Feb. 9 to have your voice heard
by U.S. Center for Safe Sport and USA Wrestling
Calling all athletes, present and past!!!
The U.S. Center for SafeSport is conducting a nationwide Athlete Culture & Climate Survey, seeking to get input from to anyone aged 18+ who is, or has been, an athlete across the United States, at any level of sport.
The survey is anonymous and closes February 9. The survey is open in English and Spanish.
Click to take the Athlete Culture & Climate Survey
The U.S. Center for SafeSport is seeking to collect responses in an effort to do the following:
• Understand and assess adult athlete experiences across the world of sport
• Provide data-driven insights to inform our prevention education work, Center processes, and experiences for athletes
• Inform the wider sports sector about athlete needs and experiences
The survey is being offered to current and former athletes at all levels, from community recreational sport participants to nationally and internationally competitive athletes.
Exercise your voice and shed needed light on our nation’s sport culture, particularly as it relates to emotional, physical, and sexual abuse against athletes.
As a token of appreciation, athletes who complete this survey will be entered to win one of two-hundred $20 Amazon gift cards, or one of four $100 Amazon gift cards. All gift cards will be randomly selected and sent out after the survey closes.